More than one month ago, after 2 years of cancelled events, we were able to participate in one of the greatest European conferences for security professionals. There were the highest attendance rates from the Hungarian Chapter in the history of ASIS Europe conferences. 7 of us was able to participate and enjoyed all perspectives of this well organised event.
One of the best presentations was the keynote from Tomáš Sedláček (economics philosopher and author of Economics of Good and Evil) based on the feedbacks of the participants of the Chapter. Tomáš provided insights on the social and business impacts we may see in the years ahead as it looks like a war economy. Pointed out the international, economical collaboration was one of the key reasons was for relatively peaceful times, however we can experience now to using economy sanctions as a weapon against Russia. Much food for thoughts…
It was followed by discussion led by ASIS’s Ukraine team highlighted that war is affecting security at companies like never before. Also was so valuable to hear different personal experiences how to manage and being ready for a situation like this personally from different personal perspectives. ASIS community showed in strength via many different actions and collaborations to support different way the Ukraine chapter and its members.
And I need to mention the opportunity for networking. There was different type of opportunities provided for hundreds of open minded, friendly participants to connect each other, share views and collaborate. Personally, I would point out this as a unique opportunity and encourage others to consider their participation in Rotterdam next year.