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  • Writer's pictureZoltán Papp

Make a difference.

Make a difference.

Simple, but so powerful purpose statement, which describes a well sequenced of following actions.

Last Saturday, Mykola Mikheiev (ASIS Ukraine Chapter Chairman) contacted with us to try to help to find an apartment for one of our ASIS Ukraine Chapter member’s wife and her friend and her children in a particular location ideally within the next 2 weeks. Zoltán Papp (ASIS Hungary Chapter Chairman) have asked the Hungarian Chapter members to check their network if somebody could help us.

After 8 days and dozens of calls, e-mails later, Zoltán was able to meet with a lovely landlord and with the referred Lady and make fantastic deal just for them to help having a safe and nice place for them. Some essential items were offered, delivered for them and we have already received donations from chapter member to make little bit easier their moving.

This shows the strength of our community.

Stronger Together”, in realty.

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